Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Patience Was Never My Strong Suit...

Dear Jen,

I just needed to share that I am simply dying to paint my chicken coop! It's such a hideous eye sore that will make me feel so happy to look at when it's painted vibrant red with orange trim.
Did you know there are rules about painting temperature? Oh yes. Very strict. Apparently if I want a good result I have to wait until the OVERNIGHT temperature is above 10 degrees. Know what it's supposed to be tonight (this being a sunny day)? -4. Plus I'll need a couple of un-humid un-rainy days with said temperature restrictions for the stuff to dry.

Woe is me.

I bought paint in MARCH so I'd be ready the minute the weather agreed. I'm dying.

Anyway, look forward, because I will definitely be taking photos of my proud work.



PS Evelyn's got big plans to play at Harrison Lake this summer, so maybe we'll see you there!

Friday, 6 April 2012

Dear Jen,
Last week I created something--something I've been meaning to get to for a long time, but was never motivated enough to actually pursue. I would think about it and research it and be excited about it but never find the memory space to actually schedule in a shopping trip for supplies, you know?

Anyway, when I create things, I get such a buzz I simply must share. Usually I would post to Facebook and allow all the praise and glory to stream in that way. But this creation, although it is one of the more exciting things I've made over the course of my life, is a wee bit more sensitive. I don't know...I guess maybe if there weren't any men on there I'd post regardless of how uncomfortable other women feel. But I suppose now that I see myself inching further and further into the Crazy Lady territory (I planned to withhold this from everyone except my close family who are generally as crazy as I am, but to demonstrate a point: I most recently cancelled all of my doctor/OB/ultrasound appointments and have no intention of scheduling any more) I desperately want to cling to any shred of relatability I have left with the common person.

All that to say, instead I am posting only here! Because I can't just not post. Telling you about it would not satisfy my excitement. I have to show you! Ok on to the thing:

So the other day I finally resigned myself to the likelihood that my pregnancy is going to wind up being one nine-month-long period (okay so the bleeding didn't start until like two months in, so a seven-month-long period), and that turned out to be the extra motivation I needed to find a pattern, get out to the fabric store, buy supplies, and sit down at my sewing machine to make fabric menstrual pads (I know, you can barely contain your excitement)! I don't know about your experience, but one day when I paid attention I realized that the disposable ones burn me. It's a mild burn, which is why I had to pay attention to figure out that the discomfort I felt was actually a burning, and seemed to be related to my pads. Makes sense too, since we all know that you can get that toxic shock thing from wearing them for too long--because they're TOXIC. I was talking to my sister about it the other day and she affirmed having a similar issue--except to her it feels after a few days like being punched in the crotch. It sounds very dramatic. Anyway, she also told me that she's pretty sure anyone she's ever discussed it with also has these sorts of problems with disposable pads. So...I guess it's normal. Anyway, at some point over a particularly long stretch of daily spotting (which is still going on. Like I said, pretty sure it's not going away) I was thinking about this burning itching discomfort, and became concerned about what new ailment I'd have to contend with if this really was caused by toxins and I was wearing these things non-stop for months on end--on top of the whole "bleeding pregnancy" issue. That's when I sat down at the computer with a pen and paper and searched for a pattern, for realz this time. And all that is why I am SO EXCITED about them!!!

Okay, here they are:
Actually this is just a sample. There are a lot more of those brown flannel things. But anyway, this is called the "circle pad". I selected it because it looked way easy to make--and it was! The circle is made out of two pieces of cotton with PUL fabric sandwiched between. You stick a couple snaps at two ends and that is where you wrap it under your underwear. The two straps sewn on are just fleece, which wicks moisture away really well, and they serve to hold the liners in place better. There's also a rectangle of fleece that you can put under the liners to prevent anything from soaking onto the cotton part (as easily, anyway). The liners are actually long strips of flannel that you fold up, and the reason for this is quick drying after you clean them. Best part: since I already cloth diaper, I just throw them in with that load and dry them at the same time. Sweet! AND it sure feels great having fabric against my skin (like any old day...) instead of toxicness. I've been using them for over a week now and they just make me so happy! Only problem was I found they slid back and forth a bit so I added another snap to the top of the circle and put the corresponding flat part right onto my underwear.

Oh! I should add that the icing on the cake is that I got most of the fabric on sale (except the PUL--that junk is ex-pensive!). Where the professionally-made ones retail at around $10 a-piece, I made mine (price of snaps and giant spool of thread included) for around $26. Can't beat that!

So there we are. My too-personal-for-Facebook-but-not-apparently-for-the-open-internet creation. I love creating! I was thinking maybe next I'll do a skirt for Evelyn.

Hope you're enjoying your Easter vacation trip!

