Dear Jen,
I don't know whether it had been established before I moved how challenging lunches are for me.
I have developed a hatred for lunches.
I'm just not interested in anything lunch-oriented, and incidentally, neither are my kids. I have three staples that I know they'll eat, none of which I really want them eating on a regular basis: hot dogs; Kraft Dinner; grilled cheese sandwiches (alright that one's not the worst. Still--not enough protein for my liking!). Above that, I have struggled to find anything that they (or I) will actually put in their mouths.
No more, Jen, NO MORE! I have discovered the answer! And, as they usually are, it was so simple. What is it, do you ask?
Fun like you wouldn't believe. Evelyn has pretty much written off cheese. And today, she was crying about how she didn't want ham because she wanted hot dogs. But then, in a moment of pure inspired genius, I got out a tooth pick, stacked a cheese square, a ham roll, and a pickle slice onto it, and presented it to her.
Eagerly she popped it into her mouth, and miraculously proclaimed
that she liked it. Double bonus: Gavin loved them too! (although to be honest, first of all he generally just loves cheese and also ham, and above all pickles, and secondly his current favourite activity is copying everything Evelyn does)
Tooth picks are the answer, my friend. I'm just rubbing my fingers together thinking of all the things I can tooth pick! I'm thinking PB&J may be getting a new look in our house!
So excited! For the moment, I am saved from the lunch-time drudgery.
...that is until Madamoiselle Master of the Universe decrees that tooth picks are