Saturday, 1 October 2011

Life Goes On

Dear Jen,

As I am listening to the October General Conference of my church, I am suddenly reminded that last time we had General Conference--almost exactly six months ago--I was visiting your church with you and your family.

What a different time! Incredible to think of how much has passed since then. We started our Scripture Discussion Series (that's right--it has an official name, with caps and everything); we began suffering through that running program together (you being the ONLY reason I ever did something as outrageous as that); we started seeing each other practically every day (best every days ever); you moved to a detached house; we went to summer camp together; our babies turned three; we met tonnes of new friends at playgroup; we made each other sappy parting gifts (how dead is that plant right now? Be honest!); I moved...

Life moves quickly! Sometimes too quickly, sometimes not quick enough.

Strange though.



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