Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Trapped on a Desert Island with Only My Lap Top and a Printer

Dear Jen,

So I'm hiding up in Brad's dark office, coming up with random "important" tasks to perform on the computer to avoid going back downstairs, wishing that the Skype phone was up here so I could shut the door and secretly call you! Not that it's against the rules or anything, but when you have guests over, hiding out is one thing. Walking past them, turning on the Skype program, grabbing the phone and disappearing back upstairs is perhaps going just a little too far.

Not that it's all that bad. See, Brad is oh so friendly of a guy, so he can't help but unauthorizedly invite random school friends to our house for dinner on occasion. This time, it's the girls in his Cuba class, who heard we were getting baby chicks (oh yeah--by the way, we've got some newborn chicks living in a clear plastic bin on our dining room table. I'd take a picture for you if the camera weren't, you know, downstairs) and of course began cooing and fussing and saying how they just have to come see them when they're here! So, Brad invited them for supper.

And they're nice girls. And Brad tidied the house and made the supper and cleared the table. But they're also single, Animal Science girls who live in an apartment together and recently spent seven days straight with each other in Cuba, and also with Brad, who they also converse with during their weekly class. And I'm, well, a mom, of 2.5 kids. And I went to school for Theatre--six years ago. And the biggest thing on my mind right now is filing my tax return to see how much money I get back this year, to figure out whether it's enough to justify visiting you! And to be honest the chicks aren't even really my thing--they're Brad's thing. So normally I'd stick it out, and only casually check the clock wondering when I'll be left to my own little world again. But lately I've been foregoing my daily nap because of that second-trimester boost of energy, and the problem is that I may have more energy than before, but I'm still pregnant, so come 4:00 I start to get a wee bit sluggish.

Try making conversation with people you have nothing in common with who you anticipate never seeing again in your life when it's 7:00 and you've been sluggish since 4:00. Know what happens? You notice, when you're putting the kids to bed, how nice and quiet it is up here. And then you start thinking that maybe you ought to print that document before you go on down. And also perhaps you can just sneak a little scripture reading in since they're right next to your bed. And before you know it, it's been an hour and you are officially hiding out in the closet-office off your bedroom, wishing the book you're reading (The Help--more than half way!) was also upstairs. That's what happens.

And I don't even feel guilty. I just wish I had my Skype phone up here...

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