Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Thought you should know

Dear Jen,

So I just made myself some fleece "kleenex"--meaning, I took a left-over strip of fleece I had sitting around and cut it into little nose-blowing-sized rectangles. I'd thought of trying it out probably about a month ago, but lucky me, I got myself a real opportunity to test the idea this week when I got a snotty cold!

I'm just full of luck.

The test was extra effective because I waited until all my actual kleenex was used up, so even though it's some fancy kind of moisturizer-infused tissue, my nose has started getting red and raw.

Those happy-nose commercials are LIES.

So I cut out one square as a tester, put it up to my dripping nose, and blew.

I should say that the experiment consisted of two components: 1. Will the material used irritate my sore nose? 2. Will the material actually remove the snot from my face and keep it safe and sound in the fabric?

Important questions.

SO. I cut out one square as a tester, put it up to my dripping nose, and blew.


It was like blowing my nose into a heaven cloud! OH man. Soooo superior to kleenex. The entire Western culture is living in a prison of ignorance. If only they all knew: fleece is the way to go!

Oh--and also it surprisingly did absorb my nasal excrement quite well. So I cut 20 more.



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