Saturday, 21 July 2012

Is there a class on post-partum breathing techniques?

Dear Jen,

Can you believe that it has already been over a month since the last post??? I don't know if your life has been as incredibly crazy, although considering you at least had a one-week vacation on Thetis Island in that time, it may very well have been. My how time loses all meaning when something like this:
(this is him sneezing--he did not love that gavoche tube)

comes into your life unexpectedly early!

I realized today that it has been almost four weeks since our family has been on our own--almost four weeks since I've done my own dishes or taken care of my children alone. It passes quick, and yet it seems like it's been a lifetime! Today I drove my mother to the airport to catch her flight home, and that was officially the end of our official help. I said to her, "Now I have to take care of my own family!" and wondered how I am going to manage that.

One day at a time, right? Not to brag to a still-pregnant lady or anything, but it is truly incredible how much energy my body can have after a night of constantly interrupted sleep. It's probably the number one thing I love most about not being pregnant: human levels of energy! No no, SUPER human levels of energy. For the first few weeks, anyway.

We'll figure it out, I suppose. Deep breaths!

Plus this looks like a pretty good start, right?



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