Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Day 32 - How come you don't wear earrings when you go to play group with me?

Dear Jacqui,

I am of course way too organized and perfect to relate to most of your post, but I will say this:

That sucks.

Love, Jen

Monday, 26 September 2011

Fatal Error--done with pizzaz

Dear Jen,

Take yourself back to this past Wednesday, and imagine me getting up with a sense of great purpose and importance because this is the day I take the children to Maggie's Place playgroup. I've re-checked the information ten times: it's at 10:00, at "Village Fire Hall" in Bible Hill--a five minute drive away. So as we all know, that means that I've got to book it from the moment my feet hit the floor if I hope to be only five minutes late. I tell Evelyn that we're going to playgroup today, and so now she's excited too.

Gavin doesn't know or care.

I'm so on top of things! I get the kids breakfasted, dressed, teeth and hair brushed (and do it all again for myself--yes that's right, I even remembered to brush my teeth!), pack up my shoulder bag with diapers, water, and back-up snacks (in case their idea of a snack is three cheerios and an ounce of punch), put shoes on my daughter, earrings in my ears (just for a little pizzaz for my debut into Truro society), pick up the baby, and head out the door at 9:55.

This is setting up to be an excellent morning.

We drive up the winding road to the location, which I find without incident, and park in the lot. I haul out my children, walk to the building, and am greeted immediately by a lady at the front desk. I say to her, "I'm looking for the playgroup?" To which she responds, "Oh yes, they usually have that here." (this is the moment I become a bit wary) "Let me go check." She speaks to a lady in the room behind, and comes back a moment later. "Playgroup," she says,

"Was yesterday."


Yes yes, I am a dufus. I checked ALL the details ten times, it's true--made sure this playgroup said "Drop-In, no sign up required!"; double checked that it was a 10:00 start and not one of the 9:30 ones; googled the address twice; and I am so sure, looked at the day!!! Where did I go wrong???

It was all very disappointing. I had even put on an outrageously colourful and questionably-matching outfit for the big day...

The silver lining is that there was another playgroup of equal distance from house in the opposite direction on Friday. So we cut our losses and spent the morning at the Victoria Park playground (where Evelyn incidentally found a three-year-old boy to play with for most of our visit there--about which you could tell she was ticked pink. Especially when she started making farting jokes which the boy laughed at. She was greatly pleased. Ah how she misses the glory days with Zach!), and went to playgroup on Friday instead.

So how was playgroup do you ask? It was alright. Picture an elementary school gym FULL of various types of toys: building toys; train toys; animal toys; baby toys; dress-up; puppets; balls; kid-sized school bus-shaped tents--and activities: colouring; gluing; jello-painting; laminated papers with velcro shapes (good idea for a quiet book!). Gavin spent the entire time toddling from station to station--he was so overwhelmed with stimuli! Evelyn found a princess dress and spent the rest of the time prancing around in it, urging me to participate in various games with her. My only complaint is that it is so large it becomes very easy to find yourself in one of those situations where you are entirely alone in a room full of people. You just have to think of it like a park, I guess: if you find yourself next to another mom, think of some unoriginal line to strike up a conversation, and hopefully she comes back next week!

This Wednesday I'm going to the fancy sign-up-on-a-week-by-week-basis Maggie's Place Proper playgroup, which is sign up because the space is much more limited. I am very interested in going to that one. Maybe I'll even venture to wear earrings again. Also I can easily walk to this one, so that's nice!

Oh! I also just thought of something else: we got our first Truro-addressed bill! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS??? Time to get a library card! Yay!

So...rainy season still holding up back in the 'Wack?



Thursday, 22 September 2011

Day 27 - Awkward Defined

Dear Jacqui,

In an effort to be a better me, I've been spending my time re-evaluating JenC v2.7 to see what improvements could be made for the quickly approaching release of JenC v2.8.  Mostly I've been bemoaning my messy house, crappy meal planning and lack of individual quality time spent with the kidlings; but I also been reminiscing about all the cute little things I used to do when I only had one child and a bit more of my sanity.

With resolution to give the illusion that I am restoring some of my sanity, I decided to do a little "grandparent project".  (Practically "Mommy of the Year!")  As such, Z & I have spent oodles of time this week creating crafts, ordering pictures online, waiting in line at Walmart, addressing and stamping envelopes, etc, etc, ETC, only to realize the picture I chose...

... while extremely adorable, contains graffiti that leaves me feeling a little...umm...not so sane.

Do you see what I see?

No, no - not the spray painting on the yellow slide.  (I actually cropped most of that out before printing)

Look closer.

Closer... closer... you might have to click on the picture (but trust me - you wouldn't have to if it was printed off and in a cute frame in your living room)

Yep!... That's it.

A little female anatomy carved in right by Masen's foot.

Who does that?!

Ummm... Awkward.

Love, Jen

Monday, 19 September 2011

Dear Jen,

THIS is Victoria Park.

Well, a piece of it, anyway. It's pretty big and diverse. Not bad, hey?

Friday, 16 September 2011

Inspiring Words

Dear Jen,

That is awful--really really awful! I wish I was there so I could be of real use to you for once! Return the favour that you did for me a thousand times! I can vividly imagine your body's agony as it lies on the bean bag chair with the toddler poking at it--maybe shaking just a little from exhaustion. I remember those moments and they were absolutely terrible! And poor little Masen. Well, at least with the chicken pox he'll be immune for LIFE, right?

"Always look on the bright side of life..."

*pathetic toothy smile and a weak thumbs up*

Please call and complain away if tomorrow is as bad if it will ease your burden a little. I would greatly enjoy listening to your laments! I have in my day called my mother on several illness occassions to wimper pathetically into the receiver, just for a little pity and understanding. It did wonders to my morale.

"Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend--I'll help you carry on..."

Here's a little inspiration for you:

Ok so while you listen to the soothing serenading of James Taylor, I will tell you about my exciting couple of days. I did not wind up going to the playgroup. Mostly because my cold got to such a peak that I hardly could talk, and I thought this was not a great way to present myself to strangers with whom I hoped to become better acquainted. No, instead I spent my time fruitfully going to thrift stores to look for some very key pieces of furniture which we were missing, and which were hindering the further unpacking of my house. The trip was highly successful! We found a hideous but comfortable couch set (there's a smaller one too!),

 a terrible looking but large and sturdy dresser (which I have since repainted--using paint my landlords left in the closet from when they were upgrading the house),

and a collapsible place-saver table to tide us over till we can attain my parents' 8-foot custom-made table, at which point it will retire as a very useful window-front table upon which we probably will place some nice plants,


I feel very proud. And exhilirated. You've been buying only used for a few months now--isn't a good find so very exhilirating?

Brad also managed to find an assortment of entirely mismatched wooden chairs to accompany our table, for $10-$20 each at a cute little antique shop. Perhaps I shall take a picture of those too sometime. Maybe once I get my parents' table and laithe the legs and repaint that forest green to a nice robin's egg blue.

Anyway so that's what I did on Wednesday instead of Maggie's Place. We also visited the library, which was a big hit with the kids, but which I will not be returning to until I can get myself a library card and actually take out books. My mother asked why it mattered, and I explained that without a purpose there, visiting the library becomes simply an exercise in chasing Gavin around, since his favourite activities are climbing on the table and removing toys and books from the shelves to throw them on the floor.

But it's about two blocks away, so I will definitely be returning frequently.

Tomorrow we visit Victoria Park. Probably I will be returning with pictures. I spoke to a very nice lady at a used clothing store who told me they have two playgrounds there, and a pool, and a spray park, and that's on top of the trails and waterfall and other facilities. I'm looking very forward.

Well, good luck with your night my friend. I bet you're starting to get nervous right around now. Have you asked the doctors about Codine for babies? Sure makes adults drowsy!

Day 22 - Wish you were here

Dear Jacqui,

Well, after M only sleeping 20-45 minutes at a time for the last 48 hours and then refusing to eat for the last 18, I am thinking that perhaps the song in my previous post is actually for me.

Do you know how much heavier a 24 lb baby is than a newborn baby?  And how much louder they are? 

I was thinking this morning as I tried to catch an 18 minute nap in the bean bag chair with Z poking me all over playing "doctor" how if you were here I would dial your number, and grunt one word into the phone...


Instead, I've yet to find enough <quiet> moments to myself to call anyone much less put together some time to "chat".  And I would feel guilty and ridiculous if our second time actually talking since you left was me lamenting over my exhaustion and crappy circumstances instead of being a supportive "you can do it" friend.

Although supposing I "got over that" and it wasn't bedtime for you now, I think I call and say this, "Come  I'm tired, I'm going to lose it  Come  Please feel bad for me  Come  Now please keep Zach on the phone for the next 18 minutes while I collapse into this bean bag chair without him poking at me while simultaneously praying that this is one of Masen's 45 minute stretches.  Come"

You are missed.

And I am pathetic.

Love, Jen

P.S.  How was Maggie's Place?  Have you thought of trying "Meetup" to see if you can find a Mom's group there?  (While this is partially just a lame attempt at making this not all about me, I do actually care.)

Now to go listen to the song and cry...  (Here is the "official" music video) 

Day 21 - Seeing Spots

Dear Jacqui,

Well, I think I win the award for most ridiculous sicknesses for one adorable baby.  Seriously.  That "Ginger Gene" has been nothing but problems and it is making me a bit crazy!

After our second bout of "Hold me all night because I have a fever of 104" in 8 weeks, I made an appointment with good ole Dr. W for today.  Fortunately he wasn't actually there and I got to see Dr. B instead.  Not so fortunately (or maybe fortunately depending on how you look at it), Dr. B looked at Masen for 1.6 seconds, called the nurse, dictated a memo and sent us straight to the ER.  He actually even offered to drive us!  Anyways... 8 hours, 6 needle pokes, 3 attempts to get urine, 2 chest x-rays, 1 toddler and 0 bathroom breaks later... (okay... you're right, I'm exaggerating... Joel came & got Zach after 5 and a half hours... it was only me & M there for 8 hours... I'm totally beefing up the story for sympathy) and Chicken Little has Chicken POX. (Did I mention the hundreds of little spots that appeared while we were at the hospital?)

Oh yeah, and a UTI/possible kidney infection... no biggie.

So we go back tomorrow for round two of injectable antibiotics. (For the infection... not the pox)

Yay us... or not.

Lovin' the blog header by the way... you open our blog and BAM there we are, my quasy eye & everything, smilin' right atcha!  Never noticed the power of that thing until you stuck it in black and white.  Thank you for doing that... Woot!  (That is a sincere "thanks" followed by a sarcastic "woot" in case you were confused.)

So, back to your message -  I noticed in you posted "Zach" right up in there with "Sister Coleman"... is that your secret way of telling me that Evelyn actually hates Zach?  Come on now... this is bloggy land... be honest!

But more seriously, poor girl!  I can't even imagine how tough that must be for her and how tough it must be for you!!!  (I feel like a crazy person each time Z asks for E and that is our only big change!)  But, you can do it!  You can make friends!  You are funny, smart, crafty, brave, charismatic and you have charming children. (& I am not hitting on you!)  It is tough and awkward and uncomfortable (which basically is the same thing as "awkward" but whatever) but it is so worth it!  Think back to when you reached out to Carolanne... that really changed everything!  (For you AND for me!  You are the first friend I have had in my entire "mommy hood" life that I didn't pick for my kids!... although E & G were definitely "perks"!)  Take it as you are ready... expect some quietness, but be prepared for some greatness.  His grace is sufficient for you!  Do I need to sing a song for you?  ;)

Love, Jen

P.S.  I've heard that before and I love it!  Have you heard "You can suffer the pain of change or suffer remaining the way you are.”  Ummm... ouch!

P.P.S.  Masen has woken up twice in the time it has taken for me to type this message... I see another long, long night ahead of me!  Pray for me when you wake up... It might give me a few hours of sleep before Chillville's dawn!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Cracking the Code

Dear Jen,

Just try and remember that uber friendly Jen is only annoying to YOU--and probably because it tuckers you out. I'm tuckered out just thinking of all the polite conversation I'm going to be forced to have with other adults! I'll be honest--I've been to this one park a couple times, and saw other moms there, and thought, "I'm just too tired today." and then consciously entered avoiding-eye-contact pretending-to-be-attentive-to-my-baby mode. If I fail and our eyes do meet I might give a little smile. But the problem is my brain is so exhausted I have nothing witty to break the silence with. So I don't.

WHAT? I'm unpacking. You don't even know what it's like. ;)

I can't believe I just emoticon-ed a blog post. Shameful. Why isn't there a "sarcasm" button up there? It should be right next to B for bold I for italics and U for underline. S for sarcastic!

Anyway, I have a sad story too. First I'll say that on Sunday Evelyn complained of a headache, and went so far as to ask daddy for a blessing to make it go away. We realized that the headache was from new experience overload stress. She had a really rough time at church this week. Her fever didn't help, but she also really hated the new environment. The next day, after insisting for weeks that she hates Sister Coleman (her Chilliwack nursery leader), she said to me, "Mom, I just want to play with Zach and sister Coleman because I like them!" It was her desperate plea for normalcy and familiarity. The past few days without internet or phone were particularly difficult because Evelyn would constantly ask me to talk to Zach on the phone! Today she had a break down because she decided that her new queen sized bed (that the landlords left for us) was no good and she wanted her old bed.

Moving is rough on kids! How did my parents do it so many times?

It's alright though. I am making progress on cracking the Truro code--finding out all the hot spots. I have a lead: Maggie's Place! Looks like it's got a similar mandate to Family Place, although they only have a playgroup once a week. Whatever, good enough for me. You have to call in advance every week to sign up though...and it's tomorrow...but I'm hoping to get in! Also maybe these people can tell me where some more parks are, because I have only seen that one, and it is no good for mr. Gavin.

Anyway, I find this exciting! Plus I joined a Truro mom's group on FB. I'll be the 9th member, and it isn't a playgroup, but people post info on community programs for kids and such. And maybe I will connect with playgroup-interested parties on there, who knows! That's how I learned about Maggie's Place, as a matter of fact. Very promising!

I'm trying very hard to use my new-move energy effectively this time around. I know in a couple months I am likely to run out of steam and go into a funk for a few weeks. I'm hoping that maybe if I work really hard at meeting people and familiarizing myself with my community right now that I'll eliminate the funk period. Another place on my hit list is the library--which incidentally is just a couple blocks behind my house!

I'm trying to stay positive, Jen. I feel like this move could be smoother than the last if I work hard. Wish me luck.

Love, Jacqui.

PS I heard a good piece of wisdom yesterday: If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!

Friday, 9 September 2011

Day 15 - I'm Back

Dear Jacqui,

'Member that physco I used to be?  The overly friendly one who felt the need to stalk unsuspecting Mothers with young children in hopes of coercing them into joining my Mom's group?

Yeah?  Well... she's back... Umm...  I mean - I'm back.

And frankly, it's exhausting.

I noticed you "left" the FB group... not that I blame you.  15 million updates from an overly zealous mother is likely a little more than I can handle... and I'm her.

Speaking of the Babes, we got together on Wednesday and it was nice... Nikki asked how you were doing and I (embarrassingly) got a little choked up.  Who would have thought I was such a lush?  ('Cept when I looked up the definition of the word "lush" it said "one who becomes intoxicated after a few drinks and flirts with everyone"... so maybe I'm not a lush... or maybe this is my cry for help and you'll never know it)  

Or maybe I just mean "gush".

Or maybe I just mean "ridiculously emotional".  Whatever.

So, we sat around and talked about how great you are... how hard it is to move away... sent you a bunch of well wishes... and then I changed the subject before I said anything too ridiculous.  Anyways, you are great and all, but I am handling this with the same grace I handle PMS... or pregnancy... and I need to PEP UP.  Not that Zach crying for half an hour saying that he knew that Evelyn didn't live here anymore, but he just wanted to visit her makes me handle things any better... Nor him waking up the in the middle of the night crying for an hour citing the reason as "missing Ebawyn".  

Anyways.  Back to my point...

It's true.  I'm coping the way I know best...  chasing people around pretending to be complimenting their 22 month old's intelligence as they absent-mindedly munch on grass and then saying things like, "Sven - what a wonderful name!  You are just too cute little Spent... I mean Sven... lovely name!  Rolls off my tongue!  Sven, Sven, Sven!"  Ugh.   

Ugh.  Ugh.  Ugh.

Anyways.  Be glad you moved... She is super annoying.

Love, Jen

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Day 13 - Off McDonalds

Dear Jacqui,

 I will never, ever eat at McDonalds again...

...and at the very least if I do, it won't be the McNuggets.

"It's coming out of me like lava"...  and "I (practically) shat on the road"... seriously... almost.

Love, Jen

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Day 12 - Alive & Well (?)

Dear Jacqui,

So you made it hey?  What's a lengthy journey without a bit of a story?

Although I am wondering if all this adventure seals the fate of NS being your final destination.

Zach had a brilliant idea today when he suggested moving play group to Nova Scotia so that Evelyn could attend.  I'm all for it.  Do you think there is any chance we can make it there in 13 or so hours (minus time change and 10 hours of sleep?)  Oh, and I'll need a few minutes to put together a bit of a snack.  What do you think?  Possible???

I almost mangled myself today playing with Zach on the swings.  You know that "fly on your tummy" thing that Z & E do???  Well, let's just say it's not for grown-ups.  (You can file that in your back pocket until the next time you feel tempted to pretend to be a toddler and then thank me later for saving your knees from a near death experience... Probably not as near-death as your traveling experience, but a valuable lesson none the less.)

Supposed to be 30ish all week... just sayin'.

Today was our first real live day of no fwiends.  No E-town, no daddy days, no cousins... just us.  Sad, sad, day.

BUT - as it turns out, I am ridiculously productive when I have no fwiends and my husband isn't a student.  Pictures of my kitchen, children's room AND master room to come.  (I know, you can barely contain yourself)

Although I'd rather continue to live in a disaster zone and have fwiends... just sayin'.

Missing you - fwiend.

Love, Jen

P.S.  I am logging off to watch Hoarders.  This is what my life has become.
P.P.S.  I am canceling cable tomorrow.  Stop the madness.

Monday, 5 September 2011

"When I was your age..."

THIS TRIP will be one of those things that goes down in the history of my family, retold over and over till it becomes Alexander lore.


I can absolutely believe that Edmonton was unbelievably cold. Because the day (Tuesday) I drove to Calgary to catch my plane, I left Lethbridge a hot, sunny, cloudless paradise of 30 degrees and drove into the darkness and gloom of a rainy, windy, cold-as-a-Chilliwack-winter hell of 10. And we had elected to go to the zoo.

That was a big waste of $70. 

Good thing my gramma [indirectly] paid for it…

Speaking of wasting money, I did the tally today and so far, in spite of the cost of two brand new tires, a tow, and whatever charges come tomorrow, we are still ahead of what we would have paid to rent a U-Haul. Of course that's just ahead financially speaking. It doesn't take into account shortened lifespan due to stress--although going with U-Haul has practically guaranteed mental anguish itself, so perhaps that's a moot point. Anyway, point is that was my terrible segue into letting you know that today, after getting its third flat tire, and having yet another section of the buckling plywood hacked away with a hammer to keep it OFF that darn tire, our entire WHEEL flew off the trailer as we raced on the highway toward Riviere-de-Loup (you can look that up). It was shockingly uneventful--we pulled safely to the shoulder within two seconds--except for the fact that we were by all definitions of the word 


on the side of the road, right in the heart of Quebec.

The upside of this story is that I finally had the opportunity to practice my french, which is felicitous because I had just been lamenting that I probably ought to admit to myself that whatever french skill I had as a youth is most probably gone, and will never come back. But you see the police officer that came over to check on us called a tow truck, and the mechanic who came to tow us was as marvellously UN-bilingual as they come. So in my skillfully broken french I became the saviour of the day as I translated between my husband and this kind and knowledgeable man. 

The funny thing is when I later tried to order a few simple items at McDonald's in french, I failed pathetically, although the gracious cashier allowed me to fumble along, only jumping in helpfully when things became hopelessly confusing.

But that's off-topic. Point is God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps this entire ordeal was to provide me with an opportunity to see that I still have as fabulously weak of a french vocabulary as I always had, and not one word less! Except for "hammer"--I forgot that word. But in a strange turn of events Brad knew it (marteau).

Hopefully that's not the only reason for this shebacle. Because that is some point He's making. We lost our wheel at 1:00 pm, and we are still hanging around at 8:00--because it is, gloriously, LABOUR DAY! Why does no one work on Labour Day? It's not even a real holiday.


Oh well. At least my three-year-old didn't jump into a pool with her only pair of pants on 30 minutes before I had to leave and then pee in her brother's diaper, making it necessary for me to take her into public wearing a gender-inappropriate diaper so I could momentarily break my year-long oath of not buying anything new to give her some pants to wear to meet with her grandparents. Can you imagine???

I'm not judging, Jen. I just want that to be clear. I'm empathizing (I just had to change that from "emphasizing", which would have completely changed the meaning of my sentence. I guess Brad has good reason to tell me he'll be mad if I'm not in bed by 8:30. That's right! I have a curfew).

Anyway, don't worry. Our kindly french mechanic from the quaint and appropriately-named town of Saint-Alexandre assures me that the whole thing will be an easy fix, and he can certainly get us another eight hours out of that thing.

Eight hours! Eight hours! C'mon little chicken-coup-to-be, that's all we're asking!

I have this incredible lack of stress and worry, so I am certain all will be well--especially with all the fervent praying we'll be doing before going out tomorrow!

Updates to come!

Love, Jacqui.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Day 5 - Off the Wagon

Dear Jacqui,

I bought something on Tuesday.

Something new.

The worst part is that I didn't even enjoy it.  Zach was naked... Masen was crying... I was trying to decide if I should just buy the cheapest thing, or actually find something I liked... while trying to get the "one best deal".

Let's back up a bit...

Tuesday we went to meet up with some of our old Babes at my friend Carrie's house.  After everyone left, I decided to stick around to spend a bit of time actually visiting with her.  (Hard to do in a group)

Her yard locks, so we were inside with the babies, (watching through the window) while Z & her daughter played in the yard.  A bit later, her husband comes home and starts putsing around outside - presumably watching the kids.

Let's back up a bit more...

Did I mention it was flippin' cold in E-town?  Like freezing at night and 10ish degrees during the day?

Did I also mention that I am irresponsible and brought along no pants for my children so I was forced to go to the Village to buy them each a pair?

Did I also, also mention that there were actually no pants in Z's size, so I had to buy him a pair of jean overalls which in my head he would love although they made him look completely ridiculous?

Did I mention he hated them and screamed like a maniac every time I put them on him?  (Which has nothing to do with the story, but I thought you'd find interesting...)

No?  Well, now you know.

So Z is playing in the back yard in his dorky jean overalls, and Carrie's husband is outside.  I (because I can't resist myself) peek outside to see Z running around.  In the pool.  Full of water.

Did I mention that we were supposed to meet my parents for dinner in the Park? 

And that we were 30ish minutes from where we were staying? 

And that I didn't have any "back up pants" ummm... anywhere?

No?  Well, now you know.

So, I take his soaking wet jean overalls off and stick them in Carrie's dryer... not really considering that there is no chance in the world that they will be even slightly dry in 30 minutes.

While I am doing this, Zach lays down in the pool, soaking his gonche and shirt.

I take that off him, stick it in the dryer and put Masen's diaper on it sans liner.

He pees.  (I cry)

At this point there is no way that I will be able to go back to where we are staying to change him and then make it back for dinner with my parents.

There is also no way that his clothes will dry out.

I also have no more diapers for Masen.  (In my head, Z would wear it until his gonche was dry and then I would still be able to put it on M... gross I know, but seriously, what were my options?!)

My insecurities creep up and I start wondering if Carrie is secretly happy that we moved away so that she doesn't have to regularly deal with us, or if she is just happy that it's my kid... this time.

Carrie interupts my mind-babbling by handing me a Princess Pull-Up which Zach is all too happy to wear and (oh, so thankfully!) a "back-up" diaper for Masen.  (Then she says "don't worry about it!  Just glad it's not me!" which makes me want to hug her)

I put Z's hoody on him.  And his crocs.

We head to the mall with 6 minutes to spare.

Children's Place calls my name.

My senses are ignited as I breath in all the fresh fabric, and finger the soft cotton.  Color surrounds me.

I feel conflicted as I decide what to purchase, all the while completely conscious of my Princess Pull Up Prince running around in his crocs and hoody.

I settle on a pair of navy blue sweat pants and a t-shirt and wrestle mixed emotions about buying a rain jacket for next year.  ('Cause by the time he wears it, this whole "buying nothing new" thing will be done so does it really matter?  Ummm... yes... yes it does.)

As I pay the lady, my elation ceases and I am left feeling forlorn.

My only consolation is that I ignored all burning desire within me and didn't purchase Masen a matching tshirt. 

Does that counteract my initial (essential!) purchase?

Or should I have just taken him to dinner in the hoody?... And pull-up.

Love, Jen

P.S.  Would a video of me listening to the song make it sincere?

P.P.S.  I brought you back some apples from E-town.  When should I bring them by?