Friday, 16 September 2011

Inspiring Words

Dear Jen,

That is awful--really really awful! I wish I was there so I could be of real use to you for once! Return the favour that you did for me a thousand times! I can vividly imagine your body's agony as it lies on the bean bag chair with the toddler poking at it--maybe shaking just a little from exhaustion. I remember those moments and they were absolutely terrible! And poor little Masen. Well, at least with the chicken pox he'll be immune for LIFE, right?

"Always look on the bright side of life..."

*pathetic toothy smile and a weak thumbs up*

Please call and complain away if tomorrow is as bad if it will ease your burden a little. I would greatly enjoy listening to your laments! I have in my day called my mother on several illness occassions to wimper pathetically into the receiver, just for a little pity and understanding. It did wonders to my morale.

"Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend--I'll help you carry on..."

Here's a little inspiration for you:

Ok so while you listen to the soothing serenading of James Taylor, I will tell you about my exciting couple of days. I did not wind up going to the playgroup. Mostly because my cold got to such a peak that I hardly could talk, and I thought this was not a great way to present myself to strangers with whom I hoped to become better acquainted. No, instead I spent my time fruitfully going to thrift stores to look for some very key pieces of furniture which we were missing, and which were hindering the further unpacking of my house. The trip was highly successful! We found a hideous but comfortable couch set (there's a smaller one too!),

 a terrible looking but large and sturdy dresser (which I have since repainted--using paint my landlords left in the closet from when they were upgrading the house),

and a collapsible place-saver table to tide us over till we can attain my parents' 8-foot custom-made table, at which point it will retire as a very useful window-front table upon which we probably will place some nice plants,


I feel very proud. And exhilirated. You've been buying only used for a few months now--isn't a good find so very exhilirating?

Brad also managed to find an assortment of entirely mismatched wooden chairs to accompany our table, for $10-$20 each at a cute little antique shop. Perhaps I shall take a picture of those too sometime. Maybe once I get my parents' table and laithe the legs and repaint that forest green to a nice robin's egg blue.

Anyway so that's what I did on Wednesday instead of Maggie's Place. We also visited the library, which was a big hit with the kids, but which I will not be returning to until I can get myself a library card and actually take out books. My mother asked why it mattered, and I explained that without a purpose there, visiting the library becomes simply an exercise in chasing Gavin around, since his favourite activities are climbing on the table and removing toys and books from the shelves to throw them on the floor.

But it's about two blocks away, so I will definitely be returning frequently.

Tomorrow we visit Victoria Park. Probably I will be returning with pictures. I spoke to a very nice lady at a used clothing store who told me they have two playgrounds there, and a pool, and a spray park, and that's on top of the trails and waterfall and other facilities. I'm looking very forward.

Well, good luck with your night my friend. I bet you're starting to get nervous right around now. Have you asked the doctors about Codine for babies? Sure makes adults drowsy!

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