Friday, 16 September 2011

Day 21 - Seeing Spots

Dear Jacqui,

Well, I think I win the award for most ridiculous sicknesses for one adorable baby.  Seriously.  That "Ginger Gene" has been nothing but problems and it is making me a bit crazy!

After our second bout of "Hold me all night because I have a fever of 104" in 8 weeks, I made an appointment with good ole Dr. W for today.  Fortunately he wasn't actually there and I got to see Dr. B instead.  Not so fortunately (or maybe fortunately depending on how you look at it), Dr. B looked at Masen for 1.6 seconds, called the nurse, dictated a memo and sent us straight to the ER.  He actually even offered to drive us!  Anyways... 8 hours, 6 needle pokes, 3 attempts to get urine, 2 chest x-rays, 1 toddler and 0 bathroom breaks later... (okay... you're right, I'm exaggerating... Joel came & got Zach after 5 and a half hours... it was only me & M there for 8 hours... I'm totally beefing up the story for sympathy) and Chicken Little has Chicken POX. (Did I mention the hundreds of little spots that appeared while we were at the hospital?)

Oh yeah, and a UTI/possible kidney infection... no biggie.

So we go back tomorrow for round two of injectable antibiotics. (For the infection... not the pox)

Yay us... or not.

Lovin' the blog header by the way... you open our blog and BAM there we are, my quasy eye & everything, smilin' right atcha!  Never noticed the power of that thing until you stuck it in black and white.  Thank you for doing that... Woot!  (That is a sincere "thanks" followed by a sarcastic "woot" in case you were confused.)

So, back to your message -  I noticed in you posted "Zach" right up in there with "Sister Coleman"... is that your secret way of telling me that Evelyn actually hates Zach?  Come on now... this is bloggy land... be honest!

But more seriously, poor girl!  I can't even imagine how tough that must be for her and how tough it must be for you!!!  (I feel like a crazy person each time Z asks for E and that is our only big change!)  But, you can do it!  You can make friends!  You are funny, smart, crafty, brave, charismatic and you have charming children. (& I am not hitting on you!)  It is tough and awkward and uncomfortable (which basically is the same thing as "awkward" but whatever) but it is so worth it!  Think back to when you reached out to Carolanne... that really changed everything!  (For you AND for me!  You are the first friend I have had in my entire "mommy hood" life that I didn't pick for my kids!... although E & G were definitely "perks"!)  Take it as you are ready... expect some quietness, but be prepared for some greatness.  His grace is sufficient for you!  Do I need to sing a song for you?  ;)

Love, Jen

P.S.  I've heard that before and I love it!  Have you heard "You can suffer the pain of change or suffer remaining the way you are.”  Ummm... ouch!

P.P.S.  Masen has woken up twice in the time it has taken for me to type this message... I see another long, long night ahead of me!  Pray for me when you wake up... It might give me a few hours of sleep before Chillville's dawn!

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