Friday, 24 February 2012

“Elephant” in the Room



DSCN2642Dear Jacqui,

I bet you’re wondering (hope you’re wondering!) which pregnancy I am posting a picture of… especially since the midwife confirmed yesterday that I am not due until Sept 10 which means if that if this picture was from this pregnancy, I would have taken it when I was only 11w2d… and that just seems ridiculous.  Especially when most woman wait until 12 weeks before making an announcement, and clearly I look like I went to McDonald’s, ordered one of everything and then washed it down with two sodas.

Whatever.  I guess I just wanted to be “just like you” and “pretend” I was 6 weeks further by binge eating.  (& then throwing it up, but apparently that part doesn’t count)

Sooooo…. it is probably safe to say that I won’t be publically posting any pictures of this pregnancy until the weeks catch up to the belly.

& I am probably never going to wear this shirt again.

Love, Jen

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Sneaky Sneaky

Dear Jen,

You are in big trouble for being too good of a friend. One day I will find a way to retaliate.

Sneaky sneaky.

PS myself and also all of the other ladies in Truro are SO excited to read the book. A borrowing schedule is already being devised.

PPS you know, this is sort of like when I sent the missionaries to you with my package because Sharon did at some point randomly share the monthly Relief Society visiting teaching message (something about fulfilling the divine role of women no matter our life circumstances) at our ladies night tonight. Except your package is much tastier.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Sharing the Excitement

Dear Jen,

Just over three months into this pregnancy and already it's the craziest so far. I guess I need to qualify that by saying that my pregnancies haven't really been all that crazy--I had the one first-trimester miscarriage, and then with Gavin I had some random spotting at 5 months which was quickly put into perspective by a google search, but that's it! So not to say it has been anything to compare to Marci's incompetent cervix and frequent labour scares for instance, but still I find myself hoping and praying things don't become any more eventful, and that I never have the privilege of topping this in any future pregnancies!

So you know, perhaps vaguely (I can't remember how much we talked about it), that I had the miscarriage scare a few weeks ago with gushes of blood and day-long cramping. Well, lucky me, I just went through miscarriage scare #2! Once again I felt, considering the circumstances, that there was no way I was keeping this baby. But now, the next day, after some research, some prayer, and a blessing from Brad, I am once again hopeful that this is all just a scary manifestation of a, truly, minor problem.

Did I tell you the accepted theory on the last one? I had an ultrasound and my doctor told me that they had found something with a fancy long medical name that basically means there was a hemmorage between the placenta and uterus. Not that they're detached (which would equal dead baby), but the connection is, shall we say, not as secure as could be desired (which can heal and be a total non-issue down the line, by the way).

SO, although I won't have a chance to discuss this with my doctor till Tuesday, I have a theory based on the evidence that makes this second scare just a Grand Finale of the first. I should disclaim that most people probably would consider this too disgusting for the Open Internet, but to me, this is part of making a child, so I hope you don't find it too unrefined to put it out in writing. It's a big part of my experience right now! Obviously even when I'm not having these problems, they're a menacing concern in the back of my mind.

The scare was more blood--thick, red-brown, gushing blood. And cramps--mild, but persistent cramps in my lower right abdomen that feel like exercise cramps (you know, when you swim too hard or run too fast) that once again lasted for a full day. It was freaky. I called Brad to tell him not to dawdle at school because I was worried I'd have to rush to the hospital (in fact I technically should have gone to the hospital, if I had been following my doctor's instructions properly. But I know too much about emergency wait times and pregnancy and miscarriage to bother unless I felt it was SERIOUS), and I dropped everything to spend the rest of my afternoon seated firmly on the couch--no moving (good thing Evelyn is so independant and useful!).

My original thought was: "this is happening a second time, and with greater volume, this has to be a very very bad sign. I cannot see how my pregnancy can recover normally from this." I once again set my mind to accepting an un-pregnant existence, and the lack of a baby to welcome into our family any time in the near future (which, since re-evaluating my attitude after the last scare, I'm getting pretty excited about). Last night was rough, because I woke up (as is common these days) to go to the bathroom around 2:30, and with the cramps and bleeding still present, I got a little more freaked out. No position was comfortable and I kept wondering if I should get up right then and head off to Emerg. I didn't, mostly because I realized a qualified ultrasound technician probably wouldn't even be on staff at that hour, so once again, unless I was in dire circumstances, there was no point. Instead I eventually drifted off into fitful rest, and had three separate dreams about the same thing: I wait forever at the hospital, until finally, I miscarry in a dramatic scene. Each time I would wake up from the dream that had felt so real I would need to take a moment to convince myself that for the time being I was still pregnant before I could settle back into another tortured dream.

BUT, like I said, research and blessing have calmed my mind, and the diminished cramping and absence of bleeding today have put into my mind a more positive theory:

Okay so you know how when you aren't pregnant, your body accumulates all this stuff, and then once a month it opens up and evacuates it all, and this is what we call a "menstrual cycle"? Well, what if this gush was left over in my body from the original wound, waiting for the regular "period" time? It works mathematically: pregnancy calculations are based off of a 28-day cycle, which means that every four weeks the cycle would end. I happen to be at week 16, as determined by ultrasound--a fourth week. Also that would explain the difference in colour and consisency. The first time it was bright red--freaky in its own right. But not this time. And brown is an indication of old blood. Also, I have heard many times of people getting a full on period well into their healthy pregnancy. Maybe, then, if your body has something to get rid of that isn't urgent, it waits for that natural cycle, pregnant or not. And maybe, then, this second round of concerning blood loss doesn't mean that my baby is dying because my body is failing it.

It's been a tense 24 hours, but I am feeling hopeful--and like I said, hoping I don't have any more stories to top it.

We'll talk on the phone sometime next week after my appointment and I can tell  you what my doctor thinks of my crazy theory!



Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Days Like Today

Dear Jen,

Today is just one of those days that I wish I hadn't made the "responsible" choice to forego our trip to visit you in the name of "not living on the street" or some foolish thing to that end.

My experience always has been that it is therapeutic, when you move far away, to visit your old home within a year of leaving. Wait longer and people start forgetting who you are, but don't go at all and it is just a wee bit hard on your system.

And yes, I may have been perusing my old journal just a little today.

Shouldn't do that. Actually it's ironic because my motivation for perusing was to find one of those "newly moved, still no meaningful relationships, feeling isolated" entries to boost me from my knowledge of how I felt about my life within just a year of feeling that way. Unfortunately this particular book didn't go quite far enough back! So instead of encouragement I am left with wistfulness. Silly book.

Isn't it appropriate that this is one of the maybe two photos of us together? You're blurry and I'm completely blocked by a baby!

Don't worry or anything though, I have come up with a blues-combatting plan: I will make bread today--first time in weeks, and I cannot tell you how sick I am of store bought bread. Should be good.



Thursday, 9 February 2012

Things I Can't Believe I'm This Excited About

Dear Jen,

Item #124 on my list of Things I Can't Believe I'm This Excited About:

Hearing my 17-month-old tug at his diaper and say, "Buep" to me--before the poop has even exited his little bum to settle into the diaper.

To me, this means a big step toward the hallowed POTTY TRAINED status! He recognized and advertised his bowel movement before it even appeared!

Oh the life of a mother...

The story is even more exciting though, because I took advantage of our proximity to the toilet to carry him carefully over, pull down his diaper, and sit him on it. He was pretty freaked out, but fortunately by then the "event" was beyond, shall we say, retraction. So it plopped blessedly into the bowl, I didn't have to clean a dirty bum, and Gavin was mildly fascinated by seeing his masterpiece in the toilet where he had previously [repulsively] investigated everyone else's.

Here's an even better part to my disgusting yet exciting story: today he came up to me and just kind of stood there--you know what I mean--and I said, "Do you have to poopie?" He acknowledged my comment, "Buep." and I checked his diaper, seeing nothing, but smelling something funky going on. So I said, "Well, I don't know if it's just my imagination, but let's go sit on the potty!" So we went over, he sat--with less protest than yesterday--and then I watched him exert his little abdominal muscles to once again poop into the potty! I showed him again, did a high-five, cheered, told daddy, who gave him more high-fives and cheers, and I am basking in my second day in a row of no poopie diapers!

Not saying I plan on having a fully potty trained 18-month-old or anything. I am aware that the only thing that has made both these successes possible was my happening to be in the viscinity and attentive at the time (both of which I cannot guarantee to be the case at any random point in the day). But getting them to understand that you have to do that thing into there is half the battle, right?

I completely have the probably unrealistic goal of Gavin potty training himself like both my nephews (who had siblings only a little older than themselves using the toilet) did.

Cheer for the team!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Dear Jacqui,

So relieved for you!  Here is my fav verse for these first few weeks of pregnancy, when you feel like crap, but that's about it...

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  - Heb 11:1
I realize that I may be stretching the context slightly (or not...) but I have it written on a frame that I have put each of my babes ultrasound pics in.  It encourages me... having faith & trusting God that there is indeed a babe in there even though there is nothing (yet) for me to physically see and trusting him or her to His care.

13 For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you. 

- Psalm 139:13-18... but for fun, go read the whole thing :)

Praying for happy & healthy months are ahead for our little ones... (Far apart, yet destined to be "besties")

Love, Jen

P.S.  MASEN & ZACH SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S.  I'm thinking these two will be about 4 weeks apart... My super-competitive nature thinks we will need a "baby pool" closer too...

P.P.P.S.  Avoid "Dr. Google" at ALL costs!  He'll make you crazy!

Early August

Dear Jen,

Just thought I'd take a quick moment, after having talked about my near-miscarriage experience last week, to let you know the fruits of my ultrasound appointment today:

1. Baby appears normal as normal can be. Saw a spine and heartbeat and everything.
2. Baby is not ectopic, which I had almost convinced myself of today when I felt some sharp cramping in my lower abdomen--I decided (bad idea) to do a little research. Barely evaded fainting by reaching the couch just in the nick of time! Phew! Now I'm pretty sure I remember having the same pains last pregnancy, which the midwife cracked up to being ligament stretching.
3. I am about 14 weeks along.

Glad I've done this three times before, because I chose, in light of comfort, to follow the bladder filling instructions very loosely and it was an altogether quick and pleasant experience!

Yay for healthy babies! Here's praying you can find yourself some more regular sleep so you can be a healthy mom!



Thursday, 2 February 2012

The "Mercenaries"

Dear Jacqui,

Once upon a time, there was a magnificent person named "Jan" who was having a "less than magnificent" day...

Her (not quite a) baby had been up several times in the night and her toddler had gotten up at 5:07 AM.

For the day.

Did I mention Jan was also battling fatigue and nausea from the inconvenience of having a third child?
After enjoying a little morning conversation with her far away friend "Mackie", she hung up the phone with the intention of getting her littles ready to go swimming.  Her strategy was simple... take them out to hopefully make them as tired as she was to ensure a quiet afternoon.

Not entirely at all successful.

While getting the (not quite a) baby ready for swimming, he puked.


Swimming was cancelled and Jan swiftly rerouted to "plan B"... lay on the couch, liberal use of the tv, feel bad for herself.

Imagine Jan's surprise at 11 AM when two men showed up on her doorstep and refused to leave... continually ringing the door bell.

I bet you know who this is...

The Jehovah Witnesses.  Back again.

Jan opened the door a smudge, careful to conceal her own body odour and the (mostly naked) toddler behind her and with a polite smile explained that they were a little "under the weather" but that they should "all come back now, ya hear?"

Happy that was over, Jan slunk back into the house and "whipped up" a lunch delicacy consisting of fruit leather, crackers & cheese.  Fine dining at it's best.

Knowing that this day would never end, yet hoping it would, Jan decided to put the (not quite a) baby down for an early rest.

Jan lay down on the couch and closed her eyes hoping that sleep would soon consume her body.

Scratching and rustling noises begin.  Signalling to her (mostly naked) toddler that "Mommy" was sleeping, she shut her eyes tighter.

Scratch, Rustle, THUMP.

Realizing that the toddler wasn't moving and remembering the mouse-that-coulda-been a-rat that took up residence in the garage (until being axe murdered by Mr. Magnificent) Jan shot up and tried to bravely follow the source of the noise.

Her worst nightmare ensued.

One dead and one not-so-dead something in the fireplace.

She let out a (very brave) bloody curdling scream.

Feeling conflicted if she should call 911 or her husband, she called the neighbour... and then her husband... and then 911.  (Okay, maybe not 911... but she did consider it)

Despite the fact that the (mostly naked) toddler was completely glued to the tv screen, all the excitement wakes the (not quite a) baby up.  And he poops.

Jan heroically blocks up the fireplace and heads to the bedroom to fight whatever monsters await her in the (not quite a) baby's diaper.

It seems as though the morning's puking had represented itself in a new form.

Jan (not so heroically) makes a run for the toilet.

While in the bathroom, incessant knocking starts on the front door.  "Moooom!"  Calls (mostly naked) toddler from the front window.  "It's two men at da door and dere knocking for you!"

Convinced it is those darn "Jehovah Witnesses" coming back to further torture "stinky barf Mom"... AKA "Jan"... she whips open the door exposing her stinky wretched self, house, crying (not quite a) baby and (mostly naked) toddler.  (Perhaps with the intention to give them a little piece of her mind... "Hello?!  By "later" I meant like "in a year".... not like "2 hours!")

Do you know who it is?!

Oh no you didn'!!

That's right "Mackie"... your two little friends brought by your little message.

So Jan did what any other "Mormoniest Non-Mormon" you'd ever met would do... she invited them to come in...

... another time.  (Perhaps one when they were all dressed and had brushed their teeth... and maybe even the kids were sleeping!)

Love, Jen

P.S.  You ARE reading this right... The Missionaries you sent in lieu of the Witnesses did indeed come on the same day the Witnesses came back!  Eek!

P.P.S  & We're still friends... for now.  (dun, dun, DUN!)