Friday, 24 February 2012

“Elephant” in the Room



DSCN2642Dear Jacqui,

I bet you’re wondering (hope you’re wondering!) which pregnancy I am posting a picture of… especially since the midwife confirmed yesterday that I am not due until Sept 10 which means if that if this picture was from this pregnancy, I would have taken it when I was only 11w2d… and that just seems ridiculous.  Especially when most woman wait until 12 weeks before making an announcement, and clearly I look like I went to McDonald’s, ordered one of everything and then washed it down with two sodas.

Whatever.  I guess I just wanted to be “just like you” and “pretend” I was 6 weeks further by binge eating.  (& then throwing it up, but apparently that part doesn’t count)

Sooooo…. it is probably safe to say that I won’t be publically posting any pictures of this pregnancy until the weeks catch up to the belly.

& I am probably never going to wear this shirt again.

Love, Jen

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

If it makes you feel better, you look nothing at all like this is a result of too much McDonald's. It just looks like you're two months further along than you SAY you are.

Ah, multiple pregnancies--the crazy things they do to our bodies. I started showing when I was like 1.5 months, but then, I DID just look like I had a few too many doughnuts, until like, two weeks ago.